The CRC AquaDiva revealed that bacteria from the phylum Planctomycetes play key roles in subsurface habitats. In the groundwater, they convert ammonium and nitrite in the anammox reaction into dinitrogen gas and contribute significantly to both, carbon fixation and nitrogen release. Using enrichment and cultivation techniques, project A07 will obtain these Planctomycetes as cultures and analyze their potential for biotechnological applications from wastewater treatment to bioactive small molecule production.
Jana-Sophie Niegisch
Image: Jana-Sophie NiegischJana-Sophie Niegisch
Master Student
Professorship for Microbial Interactions
Friedrich Schiller University
Neugasse 24
07743 Jena
Nicolai Kallscheuer
Image: Stephanie RensinkDr. Nicolai Kallscheuer
Associated Postdoctoral Researcher
Professorship for Microbial Interactions
Friedrich Schiller University
Neugasse 24
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949337