Open Lab Day 4 - IGW _ Group picture

Open Lab Day 4 - Geosciences Jena

Visiting our fellow PhDs in their labs.
Open Lab Day 4 - IGW _ Group picture
Image: Dr. Dirk Merten
  • AquaDiva Outreach


Last friday our IRTG doctoral researchers visited their collegues at the Institute for Geosciences, both at Wöllnitzer Str. as well as Burgweg. Institute for Geosciences de Thank you to Nimo and Ruth who organized the day and showed us their analysing instruments and explained a lot on sample preparation and procedures. Its always so helpful to see this in person. 
This concludes our AquaDiva Labtours.

Open Lab Day 4 - IGW _ Lab 1

Image: Anke Hädrich

Open Lab Day 4 - IGW _ Lab 1

Image: Maria Fabisch