Career Advice Inside Academia

IRTG AquaDiva: Alumni Career Advice "Inside Academia"

Career Advice given by our AquaDiva Alumni
Career Advice Inside Academia
Picture: Anke Hädrich
  • AquaDiva Outreach


Last night at our first Alumni Career Advice Evening, 8 doctoral students received valueable insights from two of our alumni. The two Alumni shared their honest stories and decision-making processes with us, which made it clear that you shape your own path through conscious choices. They showed us that work-life balance in science is more openly practised in other countries. It is also important to know your skills and value and how you can promote them. The advice to check potential positions carefully before applying was also very helpful. Ultimately, knowing that you are free to decide at any time whether your current lifestyle is supported by the work commitment required to remain successful in academia has opened up opportunities for our PhD students. Many other questions were answered and we have already received positive feedback for this event and gratitude for our two speakers.