Information on International Symposium of CRC 1076 AquaDiva

International Symposium of CRC 1076 AquaDiva

June 6-7, 2024 - Volkshaus Jena, Germany
Information on International Symposium of CRC 1076 AquaDiva
Picture: M. Fabisch, FSU

How deep does the influence of the surface extend into the earth beneath our feet? For the past 11 years, the Collaborative Research Centre 1076 AquaDiva has built up unprecedented infrastructure to answer questions about how the surface and subsurface are coupled and the role of subsurface ecosystems in providing ecosystem services such as clean drinking water. Research in the CRC AquaDiva shows that understanding subsurface waters requires going beyond the traditional concept of aquifers as ‘rocks permitting water flow’ and groundwater quality as a consequence of geochemical reactions and surface inputs, to understanding the key role of subsurface life. The extent of connection to the surface depends on the local geology and how that combines with surface vegetation and soils to control the downward movement of water, particles, organisms, and solutes. These inputs combine with subsurface conditions to produce dramatically different microbial communities and element cycling in different domains.

The purpose of this International Symposium was to bring together a broader spectrum of researchers and disciplines to learn about the remarkable infrastructure at the Hainich Critical Zone Exploratory and the Saale-Elster-Sandsteinplatte Observatory for observing and sampling different subsurface domains, what has been investigated and learned so far, and to plan for future research to answer new questions that have arisen and to take advantage of expanding observations at a time when surface conditions (weather, vegetation) may be expected to continue to change rapidly with consequences for water resources in Thuringia and Germany.

We invited contributions from researchers interested in the links between surface and shallow groundwater from a variety of disciplines, including Earth system science, environmental microbiology, ecology, hydrogeology, soil system sciences, and related fields, to visit the CRC field sites, present their own research, and discuss future research strategy to improve understanding of how a changing environment will affect these connected systems and their associated ecosystem services.

Kai Totsche, Kirsten Küsel, and Susan Trumbore on behalf of the AquaDiva Consortium

Symposium Flyerpdf, 111 kb


Front view of the Volkshaus Jena

Image: Jenaparadies, A. Gräf


Volkshaus Jena
Entrance 1 / Eingang 1
(on the left side of the building)
Carl-Zeiss-Platz 15
07743 Jena 
Google Maps LinkExternal link


Prof. Dr. Kirsten Küsel, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany (Opening) 
15 Years of AquaDiva

Prof. Dr. Cara Magnabosco, ETH Zürich, Switzerland (Session 2) 
Biogeography, ecology and evolution of subsurface life

Dr. Simon Schroeter, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany (Session 3) 
Soil-to-groundwater connection under an increasingly extreme hydroclimate

Dr. Robert Lehmann, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany (Session 4) 
“Looking deep” into the underground: Advancements in long-term monitoring of the soil-aeration zone-phreatic zone continuum of the Hainich CZE

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hartmann, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany (Session 5) 
Advancements in pushing karst modeling to larger scales

Prof. Dr. Barbara Praetorius, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany (Session 6) 
From knowledge to action – closing the “missing link” between research and risk governance

Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany (Ending) 
Beyond AquaDiva – Future research challenges and implications for education, best practices, and policies


June 5th - Meet&Greet

18:00-21:00 Young Researcher Meet & Greet (Neugasse 23/24, Jena)

June 6th - Symposium Day 1

08:00-09:00  Registration

09:00-09:10  Welcome Note
09:10-09:40  KEYNOTE
by Kirsten Küsel: 15 Years of AquaDiva

09:40-11:00  Session 1: Processes at the surface-subsurface interface

11:30-13:15  Session 2: Diving into subsurface life (formerly S3)
KEYNOTE by Cara Magnabosco: Biogeography, ecology and evolution of subsurface life

14:15-16:00  Session 3: Linkage in the subsurface (formerly S2)
KEYNOTE by Simon Schroeter: Soil-to-groundwater connection under an increasingly extreme hydroclimate

16:30-19:00  Poster Session

19:00-21:00  "Stay-Together" at Volkshaus Jena

June 7th - Symposium Day 2

08:00-08:30  Registration

08:30-10:20  Session 4: Emerging techniques and strategies for observing the Critical Zone
by Robert Lehmann: “Looking deep” into the underground: Advancements in long-term monitoring of the soil-aeration zone-phreatic zone continuum of the Hainich CZE

11:00-12:50  Session 5: Big data and E-Science – Explanatory and data-driven models for understanding ecosystem functioning and evolution
by Andreas Hartmann: Advancements in pushing karst modeling to larger scales

14:00-16:00  Session 6: Lessons learned and future directions – Implications for science, education, management, and governance
by Barbara Praetorius: From knowledge to action – closing the “missing link” between research and risk governance
KEYNOTE by Kai Uwe Totsche: Beyond AquaDiva – Future research challenges and implications for education, best practices, and policies

June 8th - Field Trip to Hainich CZE

08:00 sharp  Departure from Jena Bus Station
09:30-10:00  View over Mühlhausen-Langensalza syncline and beyond
10:15-11:00  Into past: Outcrop Reckenbühl // Into depth: Monitoring infrastructure at Reckenbühl (2 groups)
11:15-12:00  Into depth: Monitoring infrastructure at Reckenbühl // Into past: Outcrop Reckenbühl (2 groups)
12:15-13:00  From depths below: Sinkhole springs Kainspring, Melchiorbrunnen
13:30-15:30  Water-Forest-Change
16:00-18:00  Return to Jena


Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche (Hydrogeology, FSU Jena)
Prof. Dr. Kirsten Küsel (Aquatic Geomicrobiology, FSU Jena)
Prof. Dr. Susan Trumbore (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry)
Dr. Maria Fabisch (CRC AquaDiva, FSU Jena)
Dr. Anke Hädrich (CRC AquaDiva, FSU Jena)
Dr. Robert Lehmann (Hydrogeology, FSU Jena) 


Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche (Hydrogeology, FSU Jena)
Prof. Dr. Kirsten Küsel (Aquatic Geomicrobiology, FSU Jena)
Prof. Dr. Susan Trumbore (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry)
Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries (Distributed Information Systems, FSU Jena)
Prof. Dr. Anke Hildebrandt (Terrestrial Ecohydrology, FSU Jena)
Prof. Dr. Gerd Gleixner (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry)
Dr. Martina Herrmann (Aquatic Geomicrobiology, FSU Jena)
Dr. Robert Lehmann (Hydrogeology, FSU Jena)
Dr. Maria Fabisch (CRC AquaDiva, FSU Jena)
Dr. Anke Hädrich (CRC AquaDiva, FSU Jena)



At the International Symposium of CRC AquaDiva, we are committed to create a respectful, safe and welcoming environment that values diversity and inclusion and is free from harassment. We are dedicated to providing an inclusive symposium experience for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, physical appearance, age, religion, or economic class. We ask and expect all participants to show respect and courtesy to everyone. The Symposium does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. Please bring any concerns to the immediate attention of the organizing team. Participants who are asked to stop harassing behaviour will be expected to do so immediately and may be asked to leave the event in serious cases. Thank you for your help in making this a welcoming, respectful, and interesting event for all!