Logo of the 2nd D-A-CH Geobiology Symposium 2023

D-A-CH Geobiology Symposium 2023

11-13 Oct 2023 - Jena, Germany
Logo of the 2nd D-A-CH Geobiology Symposium 2023
Image: Beatrix Heinze

We thank all the participants of the 2nd D-A-CH Geobiology Symposium held on 11-13 October 2023 in Jena, Germany! The D-​A-CH Geobiology Symposium is a conference by early career scientists for early career scientists from the D-A-CH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) in the field of Geobiology or related fields. Geobiology is a highly interdisciplinary field that encompasses topics from diverse but related areas such as the origin and evolution of life, climate change, life in extreme environments, and the role of microorganisms in the geochemical processes in the biosphere. 


Participation at the 2nd D-​A-CH Geobiology Symposium in Jena was free of charge thanks to the generous support of the Joachim Herz StiftungExternal link, the Jena Alliance 'Life in Focus'External link, and the Integrated Research Training Group AquaDiva


  • Logo der Joachim Herz Stiftung
    Joachim Herz Stiftung
  • Logo of the Carl Zeiss Stiftung
    Jena Alliance Life in Focus
  • IRTG AquaDiva
    IRTG AquaDiva


  • Day 1 - Oct 12th

    09:00-10:00  Early Career Event (city tour or hike)

    10:00-11:15  Registration

    11:15-11:30  Opening Remarks

    11:30-12:30  Plenary Session with Liane Benning (GFZ Potsdam) "How microbial dynamics and geo-bio interactions accelerate the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet"

    12:30-13:30  Lunch Break

    13:30-15:00  Talk Session 1
    13:30-14:00 – Isabel Prater "Close interactions of microorganisms with mineral matrices as stabilizing factor for evaporite soil crusts in the Atacama Desert”
    14:00-14:20 – Alisha Sharma “Iron coatings on carbonate rocks shape the attached bacterial groundwater community”
    14:20-14:40 – Dimitri Meier “Investigating manganese-oxidizing microbial biofilms in a historic copper mine of Upper Franconia”
    14:40-15:00 – Eleanor Georgiadis “Contributions of biotic and abiotic oxidative processes in CO2 emissions from sedimentary rocks”

    15:00-15:30  Coffee Break

    15:30-17:00  Talk Session 2
    15:30-16:00 – Simon A. Schroeter “Soil-to-groundwater connection under an increasingly extreme hydroclimate”
    16:00-16:20 – He Wang  "Temporal stability of microbial communities in fractured carbonate-rock aquifers"
    16:20-16:40 – Andrew Acciardo “Microbial dynamics in response to induced seismicity at the Bedretto Tunnel”
    16:40-17:00 – Anita Sanchez “Hydrological, chemical, and organic controls for metal mobilization in mine drainage waters”

    17:00-17:15  Break

    17:15-18:15  Roundtable Discussion with Cara Magnabosco (ETH Zurich), Christian Griebler (Uni Vienna) & Tillmann Lüders (Uni Bayreuth)
    - Career Advice & Hot Topics in Geobiology

    18:15-18:30  Closing Remarks

    18:30-20:00  Dinner and Open Discussion

  • Day 2 - Oct 13th

    08:30-09:00  Registration

    09:00-09:10  Opening Remarks

    09:10-10:40  Talk Session 3
    09:10-09:40 – Linus M. Zeller “Metabolic potential of a new genus of respiratory endosymbionts extends host ecological niche to oxic habitats”
    09:40-10:00 – Linda Gorniak “Same same but different - gene expression changes in response to lanthanum concentration and lanthanide elements in a lanthanide-storing methylotroph”
    10:00-10:20 – Paula Rodriguez “Functional redundancy in microbial communities an 8,000-year lacustrine sedimentary sequence”
    10:20-10:40 – Georg Dittmann “Carbon input promotes free-living nitrogen fixation and synthesis of storage lipids in soils”

    10:40-11:00  Coffee Break

    11:00-13:00  Poster Session

    13:00-13:30  Closing Remarks and Poster Prize

    13:30-15:00  Lunch Snacks and Goodbye Get-Together

Front view of the Rosensäle at FSU Jena

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)


Rosensäle at FSU Jena
First floor 
Fürstengraben 27
07743 Jena 
Google Maps Site PlanExternal link


Alisha Sharma, Beatrix Heinze, Dr. He Wang, Linda Gorniak 
(Aquatic Geomicrobiology Group, FSU Jena)

Phone: +49 (0)3641 949451


At the D-A-CH Geobiology Symposium, we are committed to create a respectful, safe and welcoming environment that values diversity and inclusion and is free from harassment. We are dedicated to providing an inclusive symposium experience for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, physical appearance, age, religion, or economic class. We ask and expect all participants to show respect and courtesy to everyone. The D-A-CH Geobiology Symposium does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. Please bring any concerns to the immediate attention of the organizing team. Participants who are asked to stop harassing behaviour will be expected to do so immediately and may be asked to leave the event in serious cases. Thank you for your help in making this a welcoming, respectful, and interesting event for all!